
The #1 Reason People Relapse (and how to prevent it)

Relapse and Stress  The #1 reason people relapse** to alcohol or drugs or other unhealthy coping is stress. It’s a complicated and multidirectional relationship that we are going to break down and understand through the science. Stress is a known and quantified challenge and trigger in sobriety. Evidence strongly suggests that the neural circuits involved in stress and emotions overlap...[ read more ]

Your Definitive Guide To a Happy Sober Holiday Season – Tools And Tips

desk with holiday items to show that you have to plan to have a successful sober holiday

Your Definitive Guide To a Happy Sober Holiday Season - Tools And Tips Welcome to the Tools and Techniques Entry. So far, you’ve reviewed your current status of recovery in general, and you’ve assessed your upcoming holiday specifically. Today we’ll build a list of tools and techniques that can help you curate a holiday season that you enjoy free of...[ read more ]

Your Definitive Guide to a Happy, Sober Holiday Season – People, Places, and Traditions

holiday cookies to remind readers of the need to be intentional about crafting a sober holiday season for success in substance abuse recovery

Your Definitive Guide to a Happy, Sober Holiday Season - People, Places, and Traditions “The Holidays” Those 2 words create feelings, emotions, and begin a series of automatic responses in people. For some, “the Holidays” creates feelings of fun, festive, family celebration. They remember and anticipate laughter, Aunt Jen’s sugar cookies, Dad’s turkey, and watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade...[ read more ]

Your Definitive Guide to a Happy and Sober Holiday Season – Accurate Status Assessment

Your Definitive Guide to a Happy and Sober Holiday Season - Accurate Status Assessment It’s common for newly sober persons to be concerned about “The Holidays.” Totally understandable. The holidays bring together many of the elements known to challenge sobriety or a recovery program: family, celebrations, cultural expectation of partying with alcohol, time demands, official and unofficial parties, money and...[ read more ]

The Science of Woo: Contemplative Movement

an image of a person in a yoga pose to reinforce the idea that contemplative movement is beneficial to substance abuse recovery

The Science of Woo: Contemplative Movement This is the next in my series “The Science of Woo: How the practices of spiritual disciplines, positive psychology, and other “out there” ideas are backed by science.” You can read earlier posts in the series below: I covered forgiveness. Here you can read about the science of gratitude. And you can LMAO yourself...[ read more ]

24618 Kingsland Blvd 2nd Floor, Room 8
Katy, TX 77494
On the left hand side of the CLS building
(281) 740-7563

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