Employment or Board Requirements

Were you caught with a random drug test? Did a concerned peer turn you in? Were you counseled to get help (or else)? Are you accountable to a board?

I have worked with many persons seeking a substance use evaluation and treatment services related to their employment. As a part of our treatment, I write the necessary reports on a timely basis, interact with the designated professionals, and help set you up for success with your place of employment.

I have worked with the human resources at various companies, the Texas Peer Assistance Program for Nurses (TPAPN), Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners, and with Employee Assistance Programs.

Request an Appointment

24618 Kingsland Blvd 2nd Floor, Room 8
Katy, TX 77494
On the left hand side of the CLS building

(281) 740-7563

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