
Marcia, Marcia, Marcia (Or, Trauma, Trauma, Trauma)

Yea, that’s how I felt when the addiction research industry started - and continued - to talk about trauma.  (Now that I think about it, The Brady Bunch is a good reference for this blog post. Those kids were YOUNG when their respective parents died. They had an understood “don’t ask, don’t tell” rule about talking about their grief and...[ read more ]

Don’t Try This At Home (Intervention for Substance Abuse)

Introduction to Intervention I recently shared that I was going through my old blog posts and site copy to update to person first language.** I came across one of my first blog posts on the Myth of Readiness. In it, I discuss how it’s a commonly held belief that a person with a substance use disorder (SUD) needs to “be...[ read more ]

Celebrate with a New Brain

image of human body and dna

Party Time! In an older blog post titled “What Do I Do At Parties,” written to support persons in early recovery** navigate social settings in which there will be alcohol, I wrote the following paragraph:   “Finally, let’s be honest about the “how can I have fun without alcohol?” The answer to that is as varied and individual as there...[ read more ]

Isn’t AA (or 12-Step) Enough?

people sitting in chairs in an AA meeting

Holistic Substance Use Disorder Treatment In May, I celebrated 31 years of sobriety. I’ve seen a lot of changes in the recovery** community over the years. One encouraging change is the open, and sometimes even welcoming perspective on the need for professional help for some people in recovery through 12-Step participation. It’s important to know, also, that 12-Step participation is...[ read more ]

“I’m Not That Bad, I’m Not Like Those Other People.”

serious man in an airplaine with a drink, thinking and symbolizing not forgiving

I Don't Belong Here Frequently when I get a new client that I hear a variation of “I’m not like that.” I treat a lot of high functioning persons who have substance use disorders, high functioning persons who misuse, overuse, abuse or are addicted to substances. Rarely do they identify as “addicts” or “alcoholics.” ** If they have been in...[ read more ]

Why You Can’t Think Your Way Into Not Drinking

a man sitting in an airport, thinking, and reprenting that it takes more than thinking to recover from substance abuse

Why You Can’t Think Your Way Into Not Drinking I’ve observed a tendency in my clients that they believe because they have achieved so much, they "should" be able to address their substance use disorder themselves. My clients are mostly high functioning persons with an alcohol use disorder** or substance use disorder**, people who are over-using alcohol, drinking too much,...[ read more ]

The Science of Woo: Service and Volunteerism

a heart volunteer graphic with words that support service as a recovery from substance abuse tool

The Science of Woo: Service and Volunteerism The Greek philosopher Aristotle summarized that the essence of life is “To serve others and do good.” It’s Memorial Day in the United States, and I thought that would be a good day to publish the next in my series “The Science of Woo: Service and Volunteerism. You can find the beginning of...[ read more ]

The Science of Woo: Gratitude

a simple decorated place setting with "thanks" on it to reinforce the idea of gratitude as a tool in substance abuse recovery

The Science of Woo: Gratitude “Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”  Ralph Waldo Emerson   It was 1991 and a pleasant enough day. I was not employed, but had been...[ read more ]

The Science of Woo: How the practices of spiritual disciplines, positive psychology, and other “out there” ideas are backed by science

a sign that says whatever it takes to speak to the need to build habits in recovery from substance abuse that are beneficial

The Science of Woo: How the practices of spiritual disciplines, positive psychology, and other “out there” ideas are backed by science I am introducing my series on “The Science of Woo: How the practices of spiritual disciplines, positive psychology, and other “out there” ideas are backed by science.” One of the struggles I have as a treatment provider to persons...[ read more ]

Who, Me? 3 Unlikely Over-Drinkers

a stethoscope to symbolize the text about a nurse who overdrinks but denies he has a problem

I Can’t Have A Problem With Drugs or Alcohol... Even though stereotypes and stigma have been amended significantly, the ideas of who can be a person with a substance use disorder ** still outdated, limited, and provides “cover” to persons who are using defense mechanisms to avoid looking at their relationship with alcohol or drugs. Below are 3 composite vignettes...[ read more ]

24618 Kingsland Blvd 2nd Floor, Room 8
Katy, TX 77494
On the left hand side of the CLS building
(281) 740-7563

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