
Relapse Prevention Thru the Lens of Immunity

Substance Use Disorder is Like Other Illnesses I’d like to discuss relapse prevention using the analogy of disease or illness immunity. I’m going to show how substance use disorder and alcohol use disorder function like other illnesses and how the concept of immunity applies to recovery from substance use disorder. In recent content, we discussed how a substance use disorder...[ read more ]

The #1 Reason People Relapse (and how to prevent it)

Relapse and Stress  The #1 reason people relapse** to alcohol or drugs or other unhealthy coping is stress. It’s a complicated and multidirectional relationship that we are going to break down and understand through the science. Stress is a known and quantified challenge and trigger in sobriety. Evidence strongly suggests that the neural circuits involved in stress and emotions overlap...[ read more ]

Sobriety is More than Stopping. You Need to Build a Better Brain.

The Space Between There is a vital space between stopping drinking, using drugs, or over-relying on other unhealthy coping and being in recovery** and healing. In my last post, I posted about the science of what causes a substance use disorder. This week, I am talking about the science of recovery. Specifically, I am focusing on the space between stopping...[ read more ]

6 Answers to the Question “How Did I Get Here – How Does a Substance Use Disorder Happen?”

The Science of Addiction** Clients often ask me “why” they drink, use drugs, or behave compulsively with repeated unhealthy coping. There are 6 broad categories that inform the development of a substance use disorder. While “chemical dependency education” does not transform people or create lasting change, it is a necessary part of the treatment journey and it’s needed for lasting...[ read more ]

Okay, I give up.

Uncle Apparently my life’s role is to provide information, support, and guidance for people who are taking charge of their substance use ** issue. It seems that It’s especially for people who are hoping to put together a plan that is based on current research and not cliche concepts or cookie cutter advice. I wanted to give an explanation as...[ read more ]

Marcia, Marcia, Marcia (Or, Trauma, Trauma, Trauma)

Yea, that’s how I felt when the addiction research industry started - and continued - to talk about trauma.  (Now that I think about it, The Brady Bunch is a good reference for this blog post. Those kids were YOUNG when their respective parents died. They had an understood “don’t ask, don’t tell” rule about talking about their grief and...[ read more ]

Don’t Try This At Home (Intervention for Substance Abuse)

Introduction to Intervention I recently shared that I was going through my old blog posts and site copy to update to person first language.** I came across one of my first blog posts on the Myth of Readiness. In it, I discuss how it’s a commonly held belief that a person with a substance use disorder (SUD) needs to “be...[ read more ]

Celebrate with a New Brain

image of human body and dna

Party Time! In an older blog post titled “What Do I Do At Parties,” written to support persons in early recovery** navigate social settings in which there will be alcohol, I wrote the following paragraph:   “Finally, let’s be honest about the “how can I have fun without alcohol?” The answer to that is as varied and individual as there...[ read more ]

Isn’t AA (or 12-Step) Enough?

people sitting in chairs in an AA meeting

Holistic Substance Use Disorder Treatment In May, I celebrated 31 years of sobriety. I’ve seen a lot of changes in the recovery** community over the years. One encouraging change is the open, and sometimes even welcoming perspective on the need for professional help for some people in recovery through 12-Step participation. It’s important to know, also, that 12-Step participation is...[ read more ]

Gratitude is a tool; not a panacea

I believe in an intentional gratitude practice. There is science behind it. Since dropping down to “just” one job setting (my business for self/private practice), I have been working on developing a more consistent a.m. and p.m. routine which includes a gratitude practice. I am a certified Appreciative Living Leader; a way of structuring a spiritual and personal development practice...[ read more ]

24618 Kingsland Blvd 2nd Floor, Room 8
Katy, TX 77494
On the left hand side of the CLS building
(281) 740-7563

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